30 April 2010

How Time Flies

Didn't 2010 just start?  Where has all the time gone?

It feels as though everything is zipping by.  It's already been two weeks since I returned from my writing retreat and, of course, real life kicked right in.  The writing retreat is always amazing.  I love the time to focus my thoughts for a few days - it pays off big when I get home again.  It's been hard to keep up with my goal, but at least I've gotten some work done.  Having a clear idea of where I'm going has made sitting down to work much easier now that a myriad of responsibilities from daily life are bombarding me from every side.  Many thanks to those who help to keep me going.  Sometimes support is hard to find as a writer.  There are a lot of people who think writing is a waste of time, or just a hobby that isn't worthy of serious attention.  So I want everyone to know how much I appreciate them for taking writing seriously and for taking me, or any other writer you know, seriously as a writer. 

As time rushes past I'm trying to get ready to facilitate a book discussion on Noah Lukeman's The First Five Pages on Tuesday.  I'm enjoying the book, but am still not finished.  Guess what I'll be doing every spare moment this weekend?

And even though it's not until the end of May, it seems that Book Expo is on top of me too.  It'll be here in no time.  I'm looking forward to seeing the new titles that are coming out and meeting some of the great authors who will be there this year.

Then there's the writing conference I've registered for.  I'm already prepared for the conference and the basics I'll need for my critique group, but I'd like to go with a lot more writing completed on my novel.  If I can add another 20,000 words to my manuscript before I go I'll be happy.  Very happy.  I know there's time for it, but I'll have to really buckle down, especially with all the distractions.

I'd also really like to finish editing the manuscript I'm preparing to send out before the end of June.  It's looking to be a very busy spring, but I know if I blink it will all be gone and I don't want to miss any of it.  I'll be keeping my eyes wide open.

How's your spring schedule looking?

1 comment:

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Hi Elizabeth!!! Speaking of editing MS.... *sigh* It's been sooo slow going for me!! I'm going nuts! ;)
You're awesome! Sorry I've missed the last library thingie. I probably won't go to the next one, not sure. I really need to get my editing going. It's so complicated, that I don't even trust myself with setting a goal to be done! :(

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