19 April 2010

Writing Retreat Wonders

Last Wednesday and Thursday were tough.  I'd been working like mad to finish my novel, but it seemed that every time I thought I was close to the end a scene would balloon and take more space than I had anticipated.

I was determined to finish because my writing retreat was on the line.  My goal was a completed manuscript, one ready to hand over for critique Thursday afternoon.  And I really, REALLY wanted the retreat, so a completed manuscript I had to have.

I got it too!  At quarter to four on Thursday morning I powered off and went to bed, ready to print when my alarm went off in the morning.  Okay, so I slept for twelve hours when I went to bed early on Thursday night, but it was worth it.  I may have been in REM more than I would have liked to have been on the first night at the hotel, but the rest of the trip was relaxing, fun, and productive.

I headed out to the retreat with a first chapter I'd written and rewritten a while ago then put aside for my work-in-progress, I didn't have much of a feel for the plot and characters.  I didn't know where the story was going to take me.

All I can say is, what wonders several hours in the hot tub (not all at once, mind you) and a chocolate mask can do for you and your manuscript.  I came away with a revised first chapter, three more chapters, portions of a diary (part of which I'll be able to use in my book) and feeling of closeness to the characters whose lives I'm putting into words.  In short - direction.  I love it!

Rewards are the best!  The tricky bit is to hold yourself to it when you're only accountable to yourself.  That's why it's nice to get someone else in on it.  Someone who will give you a dirty look if you cheat.  (In fact, I just got a nasty comment about not working on my book right now, so I'd better wrap it up.)  I'm very fortunate to have a friend who will set similar goals and hold herself to them.  It makes the whole situation mutually beneficial.

I'm really excited about this story, but then I've felt that way about my others too.  I'll have this one finished next spring, again earning a fun and inspiring writing retreat.  I'll also have it far enough along that I'll be able to have part of it critiqued at a writing conference this June.

I hope you are all making goals and keeping them.  If you are, be sure to give yourselves something nice - you deserve it!

1 comment:

Berry said...

This is one of my most favorite posts you have done! I smiled the whole time reading it. Here's to another year of work, with a very nice reward to look forward to.

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